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Eurostat - qaz.wiki
Je formálne podriadený Komisii. Jeho úlohou je pripravovať štatistické dáta pre potreby EÚ a harmonizovať štatistickú metodiku vo všetkých členských krajinách. Links to the Wikipedia article on "Eurostat" in the requested language if available, or in English if not. The Wikidata label in the requested language is shown if the display name is not given. Usually this is the same as the name of the article in the target Wikipedia, if it exists.
List includes metropolitan areas according only studies of ESPON, Eurostat, and OECD.For this reason some metropolitan areas, like Italian Genoa Metropolitan Area (population is over 1.510.000 as of 2012 according "CityRailway" Official Report), aren't included in this list, with data by other statistic survey institutes.. Figures in the first column come from the ESPON project Az Eurostat az Európai Bizottság (EB) egyik főigazgatósága, amelynek székhelye Luxembourgban van. Fő célja megfelelő statisztikai információk biztosítása az Európai Unió (EU) intézményeinek, valamint a statisztikai módszerek harmonizációja a tagállamok, az EFTA-országok és a tagjelöltek között.A különböző országokban működő szervezetek, amelyek I suggest merging Eurostat scandal into this article.--Boson 19:17, 1 November 2007 (UTC) I disagree. There is no Eurostat scandal. There are only allegations that were never proofed. Wikipedia should stick to facts, not wild rumours.
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@ozznujen @danielswedin @MrJansson0 wikipedia stämmer dåligt med scb/Eurostatpic.twitter.com/Ye4uiltsAz. 11:55 AM - 8 Dec 2013. 1 reply 0 retweets 0 Syftet med provtagning är att mäta egenskaper hos en population, till exempel en viss grupp av livsmedel. Av praktiska skäl är det sällan möjligt att ta prov på 8 apr.
Litteratursökning och referenser - avdic.se
• Cost of Land. eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia ^ ^ Wielen, R.; et al. catalogue=Eurostat, to which the Honourable Member may refer; this EUROSTAT; Area of the regions by metropolitan regions Läst 23 augusti 2016. EUROSTAT; Population on 1 January by five year age group, sex and https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_traded_commodities http://www.ftiab.se/download/18.5291b2c31555b0d1401b4f/1467582750601/Analys+Euro stat+-. 20 nov. 2019 — utveckling som skett. Statistikens huvudsakliga användare är Eurostat och Wiki-baserade verktyg för kunskapsutbyte iii.
11 apr. 2020 — Eurostat. Från Wikipedia, den fria encyklopedin Den statistikkontor i Europeiska unionen , Eurostat eller ESTAT för korta , är den
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12/04/2021 Volume of retail trade up by 3.0% in euro area and by 2.9% in the EU. In February 2021, the seasonally adjusted volume of retail trade rose by 3.0% in the euro area and by 2.9% in the EU, compared with January 2021, according to estimates from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. Sources. List includes metropolitan areas according only studies of ESPON, Eurostat, and OECD.For this reason some metropolitan areas, like Italian Genoa Metropolitan Area (population is over 1.510.000 as of 2012 according "CityRailway" Official Report), aren't included in this list, with data by other statistic survey institutes.
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Eurostat er en lille organisation som hovedsagelig indsamler statistik fra de forskellige nationale statistikorganisationer, samt har et samarbejde med disse om metodeudvikling. Eurostat.
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The Wikidata label in the requested language is shown if the display name is not given. Usually this is the same as the name of the article in the target Wikipedia, if it exists. Eurostat was founded in 1953 for the purposes of the European Coal and Steel Community (Montanunion). Over the years its field of activity expanded and with the establishment of the European Economic Community in 1958 it became a Directorate General (DG) of the European Commission. Eurostat's main task is to provide other Directorates-General with statistics and to provide the … Eurostat. Frá Wikipedia, hin frælsa alfrøðin. Jump to navigation Jump to search.